sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2007

Viaje a Italia / Trip to Italy

En la segunda semana de septiembre fuimos a Italia. Estuvimos 4 días en el lago Garda. Éramos 8 personas: Viry, Memo, Josué, Rebeca, Don Humberto, Sra Raquel, Beto (hermano de Viry) y Aurora (amiga de la familia).

Uno de los días fuimos a Venecia.
On the second week of September we went to Italy. We were 4 days at the Garda Lake. We were 8 people: Viry, Memo, Josué, Rebeca, Don Humberto (Viry's father), Sra Raquel (Viry's mother), Beto (Viry's brother) and Aurora (friend of the family).

One of the days we were in Venice.